

A healthier Kettle Corn?

My husband and I volunteer at our church and run our summer baseball league concession stand. Now to be honest I could care less about hamburgers and dogs but the buttery popcorn aroma always seems to captivate me. So a couple of times after we get home I will ask my love to make us some pop corn and our favorite is Kettle corn nothing can beat that in my book, the sweet and salty mixture hits all the right spots =)

Ok so I dont exactly know that is necessarily healthy for you. One thing I do know is that it is better for you than regular kettle corn. I have replaced oil with coconut oil which not only has excellent health benefits for you but coconut oil can handle heat better than most oils meaning less risk of burnt popcorn. Coconut oil also adds a slight soft almost buttery taste that takes it to a new level. We have also made this with EVOO but Coconut oil works best according to my taste buds. Go ahead give this recipe a try, you wont be disappointed! 

Kettle Corn
1/4 cup coconut oil - I use Raw Cold pressed by Nutiva
1/2 cup popcorn kernels
1/4 cup raw sugar
fine grain sea salt
Heat oil over medium heat until melted.  Add three popcorn kernels, cover with a lid and wait and listen until all three kernels have popped.  Add the rest of the popcorn kernels, shake to distribute then sprinkle sugar evenly over the kernels.  Cover with lid and listen for popping.  As soon as the kernels start to pop, shake pot gently back and forth over the burner, lifting it up and shaking from time to time, until the popping slows to every 2 to 3 seconds.  As soon as the popping slows, remove pan from heat and immediately dump kernels into a large bowl.  Sprinkle lightly with salt and toss with a wooden spoon.  Taste, and add more salt if desired.  Serve immediately.
Yield: approximately 4 servings


  1. hey. just wanted to stop in and say "hi"...I've been reading here for a few days and I'm enjoying your recipes a lot.

    we have gone "almost vegan" over the last year or so. My hubby has lost over 70 pounds and I have lost over 30. We both still have a long way to go, but our journey is well on its way.

    (I also have PCOS which is doing better since the switch to vegan cuisine.)

    I use coconut oil with my air popped pop corn, too, then add sea salt and nutritional yeast. the yeast gives it a slightly cheesy taste.


  2. Thats awesome isnt crazy how changing your diet makes such a huge difference! My hubby has lost some weight too and its coming off faster on him than it did on me it makes me sick lol… im just excited to see changes in us and that we learned a better way to eat before we ever had children. Thanks for stopping by and checking me out. I am having so much fun learning a whole new healthier way of cooking I think everyone should know that eating healthier does not mean boring.

  3. Thanks for posting recipes! I love to cook. I just found out I have PCOS, so I have just started a strict diet; close to vegan. So, I am always up for new recipes.

  4. Youre so very welcome. Youll notice a huge difference with diet cahnges

  5. Oh wow! That sounds delicious...I love popcorn :)

    THanks for following my blog. I'm following you now too!




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